The Importance of Drinking Enough Water and Healthy Drinks
Our bodies, like the earth, are made up of mostly water, and like the earth it is so important we keep up our water levels. Water keeps us healthy and ensures our bodies run smoothly.
Water does the following in our body:
- Helps control body temperature
- Keeps the gut moving, allows nutrients to move through the body, and prevents constipation
- Assists the kidneys in filtering out waste
- Important for heart function and blood pressure
- Maintains brain functions like short term memory, concentration, and alertness
In the warmer months, we may sweat more, causing our bodies to lose more water, especially when spending time outside. Our bodies also lose water from breathing and going to the washroom. In colder weather, due to the dry air, our bodies tend to lose more water just by breathing.
This is why, no matter the season, it is important to drink enough water and healthy fluids, but how much is enough?
Women should aim to drink 9 cups of fluid per day while men should strive for closer to 12 cups per day. Water isn’t the only way to meet these fluid requirements! Other healthy fluids include:
- Milk or non-dairy milk beverages
- Coffee and tea – limit to 3 cups a day
- Unsweetened juice
- Low sugar yogurt drinks
- Broths; and
That’s right, you can even contribute to your fluid needs by choosing foods that have lots of water in them. These include fruits like melons, berries, oranges, and vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes and pepper. Even dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese are rich in water.

Some people find water boring and are not motivated to drink what they need. Here are some tips to help you drink more water:
- Try using a straw- this can really amp up how much you drink
- Add flavour from lemons and limes or other fruits and vegetables like strawberries or cucumber – don’t forget to eat them at the end for an extra boost of water
- Fill half you glass with water and top with your favourite unsweetened fruit juice for tasty hydration with half the sugar
- Use ice cubes or frozen fruit for a refreshing treat
- Keep a water bottle with you at all times, especially if you are out of the house and/or going to be physically active
It is important to get enough fluids to avoid dehydration. Dehydration happens when we lose more water than we drink. Our age, the types of food we eat and if we are physically active can change how much water we need. It is important to keep these factors in mind that may cause you to need more water. You may need more water or become dehydrated before even feeling thirsty, especially if you are:
- Eating a lot of foods that are high in protein or fibre
- Physically active
- In warmer weather
- Sick; vomiting and diarrhea can cause you to lose lots of fluid
- At a high altitude
- Taking medications like diuretics or laxatives
It is also important to listen to your body and what it needs. Signs that you need more water include:
- Feeling thirsty
- Dry mouth and lips
- Headaches and dizziness
- Inability to focus and/or feeling tired
- Increased heart rate
- Dark yellow urine that has a strong smell
Department of Health, State Government of Victoria, Australia . (2019). Water-a vital nutrient. Retrieved from Better Health Channel: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/water-a-vital-nutrient#getting-the-right-balance-of-fluid-intake
Dietitans of Canada. (2018). Facts on Fluids – How to Stay Hydrated. Retrieved from UnlockFood.ca: https://www.unlockfood.ca/en/articles/water/facts-on-fluids-how-to-stay-hydrated.aspx
Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, hydration and health. Nutrition Reviews, 68(8), 439-458.