Tips for Making Delicious Gluten-Free Cake
Making gluten-free baked goods can be tricky since gluten is the protein
in all-purpose flour that holds the food together. Using a pre-made mix is a
good way to get perfect gluten-free cake.

Here are some more tips to get a moist, fluffy gluten-free cake.
- Use 2 more eggs than the pre-made mix requires
- Use milk or a milk alternative rather than water as the liquid in the cake
- Beat the mix for a few minutes longer than directed on the package
- Add ½ cup of mashed banana or apple sauce for added moisture, then bake for 10 minutes longer than directed on the package (lower the heat by 50° for the additional 10 minutes)
- Add ¼ cup chia seeds* to a chocolate cake mix
*Soak chia seeds in ½ cup boiling water for 10 minutes before adding to the cake mix.